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Partner with us for 24 hours, impact generations to come

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Secret is out, we are looking for partners who align with our vision to support us for our participation in the 24 hour bike race.

Why the hell would we ride our bikes in 5 km circles for 24 hours?

Our first reaction to hearing about the event was "that sounds so stupid, why would anyone sign up" but after looking through the results of previous years and the race rules it clicked - it's not about racing non-stop 24 hours (because we saw there were racers who did only a few laps) but it's about signing up, not knowing what to expect and seeing what is possible. We mentioned the race to a few people and before we knew it, we had a team of six women - one of which has no bike and despite road cycling often, doesn't know how to mountain bike.

What's the goal?

None of us would do the race alone, but together we suddenly feel excited and empowered to try it together, laugh, cry and see what happens. This is a mirror of our vision here at riderawr - a community of women, strengthened by each others presence, who want to change the future of the cycling culture and inspire generations of women to come to feel empowered to take on challenges.

We want to use the race as an opportunity to challenge ourselves, to experience and grow together as a community and most importantly inspire the women who would look at the event and say "no way, I would never do that" to see us, laugh with us and say "you know what...maybe".

Documentary & Social Sharing

We believe our mission is best achieved by sharing our journey, specifically by filming the experience: from learning to ride, our first training rides together, preparing for the event and the event itself. We will output our filming in the form of instagram reels and a documentary which will be submitted to film festivals and later uploaded onto YouTube and our social channels. The primary vibe of the videos will be humour and emotion - we are using humour to connect with our audience and be relatable for women all over the world!

How can I take part?

We are looking for support by means of:

  • race registration costs

  • food and care supplies during the race

  • equipment (accessories, tools anddddd one participant is looking for a bike)

  • filming partner

What's in it for me?

Number one, partnering with an unstoppable group of women and aligning with a vision that will inspire generations of women to come.

Additionally, your support will be mentioned here on our website, in our documentary and in cameos appearances of our social channels.*

*specific details of engagement to be clarified beforehand dependent on contract

OK, I'm convinced, I want to partner with you!

Awesome, please send us an email at or on our socials @riderawr or get in touch with one of our riders!

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